There is a war in Ukraine. And recent history has written the traitors, the enemies of the people, the enemies of the Russians are fighting in Ukraine against the Russian army in which there are mostly Christians but also Muslims. This is a complete mess.

Europeans are spending hundreds of thousands of euros for this war. In France and the other European countries, there are a lot of poor people. But they are spending money for the war because the Americans want them to do it. With this war, the Ukrainian government will lose more line with not accepted the east of Ukraine as independent. What I want to come following. We talk about misery. This is a war our people get in misery. And imperialists are spending hundreds of millions of dollars for the stupid war that they will not win. Why? Only one percent of the spending in war, they could help the people of Donbass. The companies that are making weapons, sell these weapons for billions of dollars via invented wars. They sacrifice people. They die. But I repeat that I am convinced the Russians will not lose. Historically as a Venezuelan, I am link to the peninsula where is in the south of Ukraine, was occupied by the Russians. They defeated the Turks.

We are in a world in which thoughts are against the interest of all the people even the Russians. They spent a lot of money for the war. The worst thing is that the gas and petrol come from Russia to Europe won’t come anymore in a possibility. They able to cut whatever they want. What is the hell doing going on? This is called imperialism in the worst manner. Imperialism is against the interests of all the people. For example, the US people, there is a lot of misery. They spent billions of dollars for war and the US people need to pay this as well. Why? This is the imperialism at the lowest level. They are making war against Venezuela. Why are they making? Why did they pretend a shit man from Karakas as the president of Venezuela? He is not anymore. It was only a manipulation. The government of Venezuela is the government of the people because they elected freely by the votes of Venezuelans. This is a fact. I don’t agree all the positions of Venezuelan government, they are already against me. I don’t know why. They have done everything me to not go back to Venezuela. But I am patient. Some of the members of the government are not in our side, they aren’t revolutionaries. Nevermind… We have to be with Cuba and Venezuela and Nikaragua and the other countries which are in good side. Bolivia, Argentina etc. We will win. Of course, thus American people will win, otherwise the American people will get less poor in every day.

And Türkiye, you have a very capable president. He is a good and true Muslim. He isn’t an American or Israeli agent. Because of the difficult economic situations, he need to improve the relations with Israel, this is all opportunism. On the other hand, we shouldn’t forget that Türkiye is the first country that recognize the state of Israel. Türkiye have to get off the situation of financial economic crisis and I hope they will. Arab countries don’t help Türkiye. Saudi Arabia assassinated a man in Türkiye. Why don’t they assassinate a traitor in the US? They can’t do this because they are afraid of the US. Why didn’t they kill this man in the US? They killed him in Türkiye, also in the consulate in İstanbul.

We have a situation of war whole of world. I hope, President Erdogan will continue in power for a long time. He will not lose the next elections but who knows. I think he did a mistake about Kurdish people. He needs to think releasing of Ocalan, if he engages himself by writing about not to take more arm struggle for the right of the people of his origin. Don’t forget, most of the Kurdish people in Türkiye voted for Erdogan. They are good people and good Muslims.

We don’t know what will be going to happen. War will go on, violence will go on, the ruining of the people will go on. People will get poorer and poorer. Venezuela is in crisis because of the mistakes of the government. I warned them many times but they didn’t take necessary measures. Türkiye also is in a crisis. Why? Because they are trying to do the best to put them down. There are some improvements between the relations of Türkiye and Israel and Saudi Arabia etc. due to economic crisis. Nothing is clear.

We have to believe in god, because Lâ ilâhe illallah Muhammedün Resûlullah!

Allahü Ekber!
