Q: We want to ask a special question for you this week. There was an article about Bruno Bréguet and you Carlos last month in The Times. And last week the same subject was written by Jason Burke to the Guardian. A book which was written by Adrian Hänni and is related with Bruno and you, was mentioned in the article. Hänni says that Bruno was working for CIA and he earned thousands of dollars via selling the information about you and your operations. Moreover, they claim that Bruno sold Carlos French Intelligence Service. We wonder that if you have comment about these claims?

A: Yes, I know the book. These claims are a bullshit. He was not working for the CIA. He was a good man. He arrested in Greece, and he was killed by accident in interrogation in the main former Soviet air base in the south of Europe. This is the information I got. I don’t know that who killed him. He comes from the security of Hungary.

Whatever. If he was working for the CIA, there was no need to make all this bullshit. If he would been working for the CIA, anybody could never betray or capture this man. If he had been in the CIA or working or infiltrated, many people would have been captured. And nobody has never been captured, except me. So, this is all bullshit.

I got a letter from Adrian Hänni. I have to write back to him, he wanted to talk to me about Bruno Breguet and the book. In order to talk about Bruno Breguet, he wanted to see to me. I'm going to tell him that if prison administrators give me a permit, he's welcome to come.

Anyway, Bruno Breguet was a hero of the Palestinian resistance, he was a great man, and they try now to make him like a traitor. If he was a traitor, he could not have been arrested in Greece. And he could appear everywhere, there could be no charges against him in Switzerland, so this is bullshit.

Whatever, I said that information we had from the prison in Greece, in Athens, from the guards. They informed us. You wouldn't be surprised, we were informed by the guards, that they saw Bruno Breguet in prison there. So if he was a traitor, he wouldn't be in prison.

If after he was arrested, he becomes a traitor, he was killed by accident, okay, why they had to hide him? There's no need to hide this man. Anyway, don't forget he's a Swiss, and in Switzerland, you can be there and live and nobody will bother you.

Anyway, he wrote the book, Dr. Adrian Hänni, and he wants to see me, yes, I will invite him to see me, if they give me a permit, it's welcome.

If he's a lawyer, I will name him as my defender, thus he can come. I will see, I will write to him.

Anyway, you know, in spite of all these years in prison, they continue bothering us. I am in prison. The Venezuelan president was Chavez, and the president of France promised that I was going to be released. Here I am, I am betrayed. The president of France didn't release me, and here I am. I've been condemned seven times to life imprisonment. Not once or twice, just seven times. Everything was prescribed, 25 years late, after this happened, and there is not a witness against me, there is no proof, there is nothing. For example, the special tribunal they made for me, the anti-terrorist tribunal, it didn't exist before. And here I am, I am in prison, holding, most people respect me very much. Of course, there are some traitors, including of Arabic origin. I don't know why they are against me; they must be informers.

I hold on, and I hope.


Allahü Ekber!
